Over the years I have seen people close to me struggle with depression, anxiety, hopelessness and rejection. We all ride these waves at some point in our life and let me tell you, all of these people were dealt a dirty hand. They did not ask for it, they were caught off guard by the remaining chaos that followed after a life altering or traumatic event, the devastation of a loved one’s betrayal, constant rejection and brutality spoken over them. I have lost people to the utterly brutal choice of murdering themselves, and yes, it is brutal. Do you realize how absolutely desperate and drained a person is at the point where you finally decide to take your own life?
People do not choose to feel hopeless. Hopelessness is the end result of reaching out, trying to find someone who truly cares, even just someone with a kind word, but constantly walking amongst people and knowing no one even sees your pain or cares that you are suffering. I wrote this poem tonight as I was reminded today of the suffering of feeling this way by someone close to me.

Darkness, come, recue me
I beg of you just let me sleep
Take me over let me rest
I have tried and tried and tried my best.
But sunlight shines, another day
One where all my demons stay
Where all is clear, transparent, daylight
And there is nothing colorful in the sight
Let me sleep, let me close my eyes
I’ve seen too much and there is no place to hide
Come now shadows, come pull me into the night
For my heart is heavy,
my soul exposed to the bone
I cannot do this anymore,
not alone.

Please be kind, please hold a hand, please see when someone is struggling. It is difficult enough to deal with all life can throw at us and we are not alone, so let us try to remind each other that we see each other with an extended hand. Even a smile can turn a day around. And for those who are feeling desperate please find help. If your close ones cannot help, there are people who care and will.
You are not alone.

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