Love and Light.

Tonight, I feel compelled to write about love. I was born as a very sensitive human. A human who picked up on, not only my own need for love, but because of my circumstance, wanting to, needing to share love, spread love. All in order to make those in my vicinity feel worthy, validated, seen and more than anything feel appreciated. Especially if someone was kind and gentle to those in their surroundings, even if those people did not deserve it, that was absolutely beautiful to me.

Love has so many forms, but it all comes down to respect. Treating each other with respect, kindness and understanding. Love is sacrifice. Love is letting your ego and own needs go, to ensure the flourishment of those in need of assistance, to achieve their goals, their life’s mission, their heart’s desire, finding themselves, so that they can be the amazing humans they were called to be. Selflessness… Love.

We are all challenged with the aftermath of life’s damage on the psyche, caused by those around us. The result: utter chaos that creates damaging behavior of humans who have to deal with their unbalanced surroundings without love. We did not choose the damage passed on by generations. We were left to deal with it and to slowly start the process of healing future generations from it.

It is a vicious cycle… A cycle that hurts, disrespects, causes damage and then a new generation to choose to do better. We are human, we make mistakes and because of this the cycle so continues….

So, how do we change this, how do we love, how do we heal?

We love unconditionally.
We let go of our ego.
We encourage.
We appreciate.

We realize that we have no say in one-another’s path, and we focus on being the best version of ourselves, as we are all connected. The cycle of pain will continue, until we all start treating ourselves with the respect, we all deserve. Do unto others as you would want done unto you.

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