Today, while I was busy with my normal work duties, I needed to fill in a
PDF document quite urgently. Now, seeing that I work on a computer
daily, like most of our office mice do, I am quite efficient on a
keyboard as well as steering through the maze of commands and directions
needed to complete such a task. Normally I would dust off such a task
in a few minutes, but for some reason my day was just not running as
smoothly as I am used to.
Firstly, my computer froze, and I had
to restart it, probably because I had as many tabs open on it as I
normally have open in my brain, while leaping from one file to the other
in order to pull everything together in the shortest amount of time
humanly possible, with all the shortcuts I have mastered over the years.
I really like myself a good short cut as I am all about working smarter
and not harder, especially since I have a lot of interests for which I
need to find time. Sorry I jumped topic again.
Well, when the
computer blinked on again, in my haste, I realized I did not save all my
work before I restarted it. A whole month’s meticulous tracking of
orders and notes on those little buggers was lost in space. I tried all
my clever tricks and searched through everything, but alas, nothing.
Finally, I managed to update my carefully designed schedule in a time
frame as to not put me too far back on my day’s planning.
It is self-explanatory that my morning started with an emetic slew of emotions ranging from shock, frustration,
fear, anxiety and a tiny spark of anger, but here we are trying to be
very patient and demure (the newest fashionable word, overused by
everyone trying to be relevant at the moment). I kept my building anger
in check, like Tick Tock’s gurus' advocate; I took slow deep breaths and
then took on the task of filling out the urgent document. But, oh Lord
have mercy, halfway through, the program froze. Same reason… too many
tabs open at once, beckoning me to give attention to its urgent calling.
many attempts to outwit the program, applying all known shortcuts to me
and still no success of making the impossible happen; that the program
will magically adhere to my needs, I finally lost it and very loudly
uttered the following spontaneously: “You will not get the better of me!
I will get this done!”
In that moment I grasped the realization
of saving the work I’ve done up to that point, to close the program,
give it a few minutes, open the half-completed PDF file and fill in the
rest. It worked!!!
With the relief of completing the task, it hit
me like a brick on my forehead: “My dear darling Ina… determination,
resilience, flexibility and a whole lot of refusing to give up, was
always part of the recipe in my life in order to complete tasks,
overcome challenges and accomplish the goals I set for myself.”
can be hard, but if you refuse to give up, eventually you will have a
breakthrough and accomplish what you had set out to do! Be stubbornly
determined in your aspirations. But even more so, be stubbornly
determined to overcome all challenges in life from love
to loss. Analyze the problem at hand and search for the solution. Yes,
there is always an answer although it might not be the one you wanted to
accept or fitting in your impatient timeline, but there is always a way
to reach your destination. You just need to be unapologetically
stubborn about it.
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