A Drop of water…

Since I can remember I was fascinated with orchids and as luck would have it, from time to time, over time I received these plants with the most beautiful flowers on. But no matter how hard I tried, when the flowers wilted, they never returned. If I was lucky, I could keep these fragile plants alive for a year or two, but they would always end up dying a silent death.

I researched them, gave special ice blocks containing plant food, looked for the perfect sun spot, but without fail I failed miserably at keeping them alive. Every time after one died, I took a break from trying to look after these special plants, before I tried again.

Life moved on and I desperately clung to the seesaw of life’s up’s and downs so that I don’t fall off. I totally forgot about my love for these plants until he, who was a great part of my pain during my life, died suddenly. I started to love this person over the years, found softness for him and didn’t look at him with reproach anymore. I found developed empathy for his situation, and I treaded him with true love before he passed and not with the façade of acceptance.

In his house there were many orchids. The most beautiful. It bloomed regularly. It was his pride. Four of these beautiful plants, still in bloom, ended up in my house, because there were many and they needed to find homes. One doesn’t just throw living things into the garbage. I was given instruction to give ice blocks and to find the right soft sun spot. I had done all of this before. In my soul I was anxious about taking these temperamental plants home, because I knew they were doomed. I accepted, accepted that no matter how hard I try, their fate was sealed, and I can only give them what they needed, the rest was out of my control.

Still, a year later they are alive. They are growing. They are boasting new flowers and all I give them are a few ice blocks once a week. Just a drop of water. Then this morning as I am looking at them, I realize that we all just have to relax and not try so hard. When your actions are driven by anxiety you make mistakes and I like happy plants much more than the feeling that I am the cause of the wilting of life, so let life happen naturally.

As with the orchids, I realized that all we need is acceptance and a drop of water.

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