In celebration of my second novel that is in the process of being published and in anticipation of waiting for a confirmed publication date, I realized the rhythmic pulsating flow of the whole process.

Although all my stories have their own unique flavour and interwoven gems hidden for the reader to find, my stories are also connected. An intertwined revelation of wisdoms dancing around in coordinated order, to reveal the truths of emotions we as spirits, trapped in human bodies, need to experience in order to get back to the basics of living, of life. All in order to truly understand that which we are… spirits… energy… life force… a part of the big bang when we had entered this realm; earth.

And only when we close this chapter we call life, can we fully comprehend that we feel more through energy than we could ever experience with physical touch through the human flesh we inhabit. It’s this desperate search for connection that we misinterpreted, bound by our human conditioning.

They say artists are moved to create by deeply traumatic events and this was true for me, so I guess it is true. I had an out of body experience ten years ago, when I had fallen from a horse and injured my neck, back and spinal cord. After this I was left not quite fully bound to my flesh, and I will still write about it, but this brings me to my biggest fear as a human.

That I will be limited by time and that I will not be able to write all the chapters in the bigger story I need to document on paper for others to read. Each novel, a chapter if you will and as with chapters in a book you will only truly understand the message when you read the last page.

For now, I focus on my mission, so write I will, feel I will, but even if I don’t finish my last book when my last human breath has been spent, I will know that I tried to convey the truth of love. And hopefully I touch a few souls so that they can feel connected, protected and experience the love running through all of us. Hopefully more of us will wake up to the idea that our egos are our constricting barriers to feeling the only thing that matters in spirit, time and flesh… our connection.

For now, I have finished chapter two and am busy with chapter three and hopefully I can take you along on a journey.

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