With life and all its challenges, motivation is one of the most difficult things to acquire. Here lies the crux, you need to be challenged. Challenged by life, by adversities, by copycats, by people who want to see you fail, due to their own insecurities. But you know what? You always have the choice to see life for what it is; your journey, your trials that you have to conquer.

The one thing that has challenged me the most through life was exactly those souls who wanted me to fail, due to their own vulnerability and inability to have confidence in their own worth. And, it is extremely sad that most of us do not realize that we have different roles on this planet. We were meant to live in a symbiotic relationship with each other.

If your role in this life seems lesser, by your understanding, believe me everyone’s part actually plays an immense role in the greater workings of things. If you are a seemingly small wheel in the machinery, without you, the machinery would not be able to function. The irony of life is, that the small wheel will admire the size of the bigger wheel and the bigger wheel will admire the power of the smaller gear who is able to turn the bigger gear. We will always be amazed by that which we were not born to do.

So, know your part, own it and do what only you were born to do, to the best of your ability. Because if you do, and the big wheel does its part, without the smaller trying to overtake the bigger wheels place, this world would function so much more smoothly. Just remember, without the small gears, the bigger ones cannot turn and the size of the wheel does not matter. The fact of the matter is that every wheel needs to turn for the machine to work.

Let’s all know our place. Let’s all own our space and let’s all realize we are nothing without each other and the support we have to offer one another. If we realize our part and how important our part in the greater working of things is, we will all be motivated to run smoothly in symbiotic harmony, with a well-oiled machine running smoothly.

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