
Unapologetically Stubborn!

Today, while I was busy with my normal work duties, I needed to fill in a PDF document quite urgently. Now, seeing that I work on a computer daily, like most of our office mice do, I am quite effi ........

Just a thought…

Between work, family, life and those blissful rest days, I at times get a chance to be silent and let my thoughts roam free. As I am navigating the influx of information our world is bombarding us wit ........

A Drop of water…

Since I can remember I was fascinated with orchids and as luck would have it, from time to time, over time I received these plants with the most beautiful flowers on. But no matter how hard I tried, w ........


Tonight, I drank a glass of wine… it’s a blessing and a curse. The beautiful soothing notes in the flavors entice one into a relaxed state of blissful forgetfulness and yet, if taken too often, it can ........


Well, tonight after my twenty-two-year-old daughter came into my room and declared: “Goosebumps mommy… Goosebumps!” and I mistakenly thought she was talking about the butter chicken curry dish she ........


With life and all its challenges, motivation is one of the most difficult things to acquire. Here lies the crux, you need to be challenged. Challenged by life, by adversities, by copycats, by people w ........


In celebration of my second novel that is in the process of being published and in anticipation of waiting for a confirmed publication date, I realized the rhythmic pulsating flow of the whole process ........

Love and Light.

Tonight, I feel compelled to write about love. I was born as a very sensitive human. A human who picked up on, not only my own need for love, but because of my circumstance, wanting to, needing to sha ........

It’s All in The Writing

As I am adding the final touches to my next novel before I submit it, I finally get a chance to write a blog post again. For the first time in a while, I can reflect over the past year since my first ........


Looking down I notice my hands Mirrored in them, an hourglass’s spilled sand I see the evidence of exposure to the sun I see little folds where there once were none   I turn them ........

Message in a bottle.

Yes, writing is like placing a message in a bottle. The moment you place that message in the bottle, cork it and throw it in the open sea, to float with the current; that is when you rely on destiny. ........

Square pegs and Round holes.

I find myself sitting on my porch. I admire the grey tiles, that which I chose when we moved into this house, there where I came to a halt. There are only two steps leading down the porch and I need ........


I am sitting here deep in thought,but my thoughts are going nowhere.It seems as if it endlessly,circles out to somewhere.Dwelling on countless things,meaninglessness morphs to reason.A consciousness a ........


  And in the blink of an eye, the realization, that our souls only see through the lenses that were gifted us by right of birth. Our environment, our parents, our interactions, failures and victo ........


I am sitting here deep in thought,but my thoughts are going nowhere.It seems as if it endlessly,circles out to somewhere.Dwelling on countless things,meaninglessness morphs to reason.A consciousness a ........


  I was born and bred in South Africa. My mother tongue Afrikaans. Afrikaans has some of the most powerfully beautiful descriptive words and I love the language. Poetry in Afrikaans is like aged ........


 Over the years I have seen people close to me struggle with depression, anxiety, hopelessness and rejection. We all ride these waves at some point in our life and let me tell you, all of these peop ........


  It seems surreal to finally hold a copy of my first published novel in my hands, to run my fingers through the pages, to smell the intoxicating smell of invitation, to read the mysteries that a ........


  There were many times when I grew up where I found myself between broken glass. I grew up in a house made of glass. The perfect family. The hardworking successful father, the big house, the ama ........